Sčítání lidu, domů a bytů v ČR je povinné i pro cizince
March 24, 2021 NEWS

Sčítání lidu, domů a bytů v ČR je povinné i pro cizince

The population census in the Czech Republic is mandatory for foreigners as well. The electronic census form will be available from 27. 3. to 9. 4. 2021. Anyone can enumerate himselfP/herself online using the form on the webpage scitani.cz/formular or in the application Sčítání2021. In cases where online enumeration can not be carried out or it is not filled until 9. 4. 2021 a person is obliged to fill out a paper Census form between 17 April and 11 May 2021.

  • The web page scitani.cz and the electronic form are available in 7 other languages than Czech – English, German, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Romani

Sčítání lidu

  • All citizens and everybody who has a permanent residence or who is registered as staying in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days (long-term residence permit, long-term visa, asylum, etc.) must be counted.
  • Foreigners who are present in the Czech Republic for fewer than 90 days (e.g. diplomats and tourists) are not obligated to be counted.
  • According to the law, a fine of up to CZK 10,000 may be imposed for failure to provide data for the census (§ 24 sec. 8 of Act No. 332/2020 Coll.)

Citizenship and nationality - while citizenship is evidenced, among other things, by your identity card or passport, everyone has the right to decide on their own nationality. It is usually related to ethnic origin, language and cultural traditions.

You can find more information about the population census at www.scitani.cz or at the infoline 840 30 40 50 (available since 12 March 2021).

You can also contact the Integration Center for Foreigners in Hradec Králové


Phone: +420 492 604 940; E-MAIL: poradna.cizinci@hk.caritas.cz